This lesson presents the idea of Due Process. Students learn about Due Process with a scenario that sets out a number of issues that have to do with the due process of law.
Civics Lessons
Teaching about Due Process
Judiciary Act of 1789
The purpose of this lesson is to teach students about the significance of the Judiciary Act of 1789 in establishing a federal judiciary, and the power of judicial review as outlined by the landmark U.S. Supreme Court Case, Marbury v. Madison (1803). By the conclusion of this lesson, students will understand the key provisions of the Judiciary Act of 1789 and the structure of the federal judiciary, as well as the power of judicial review.
The Exchange: Should Same-Sex Couples Have the Right to Marry
This research and deliberation activity encourages students to look at the issue of same-sex marriage from different points of view.
People v. Chris Biggs
Case developed for the 2004 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament
Criminal Case-Was Chuck’s death the result of illegal hazing or was it the result of Chuck’s under-age drinking?
Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution
In this lesson, students learn about responsibility and apply the concept to segments of the U.S. Constitution.
Juvenile Justice
Deliberating in Democracy lesson which gets students to deliberate the question-Should violent juvenile offenders be punished as adults?
The Exchange: When Should Increased Security Measures Outweigh Your Privacy Rights in School?
This activity encourages students to deliberate on the issue of balancing privacy and security.
In the Matter of Shelby Withers vs. Clearwater School District
Case developed for the 2003 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament
Civil Case-student whose disability may have manifested itself in the form of behavior that is arguably dangerous to others
The Exchange: Should Students’ Cyber Speech Be Protected Under the First Amendment?
This lesson encourages students to deliberate on the issue of cyber speech and the First Amendment. Through the use of court cases and school policy, students will be able to define student expression rights and then evaluate the necessity and constitutionality of censoring and reprimanding students’ online social networking behavior.
Deliberating in Democracy Lesson which gets students to deliberate whether schools should punish students for off campus cyber bullying