Case developed for the 2004 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament
Criminal Case-Was Chuck’s death the result of illegal hazing or was it the result of Chuck’s under-age drinking?
Civics Lessons
Lesson Topic: Criminal Law
People v. Chris Biggs
People vs. Brunetti
Case developed for the 2002 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament
Criminal Case-Murder
People of New Michigan v. Thomas Osiski
Case developed for the 2012 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament: Criminal Case-Murder
People v. Alex Johnson
Case developed for the 2010 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament
Criminal Case-Murder of high school student
People v. Morgan Phillips
Case developed for the 2008 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament:Criminal Case-Murder
US v. Jamie Becker and Kim Hanks
Case developed for the 2006 Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament
Criminal Case-counterfeiting