James Madison Legacy Project Summer Institute: July 23-27
Calling All Secondary School Social Studies Teachers! Register Now for the Summer Institute!
Please join the Michigan Center for Civic Education for it’s 4th and final cohort of the James Madison Legacy Project designed to provide premium Michigan secondary school teacherswith a professional learning opportunity focused on theWe the People: The Citizen and the Constitution program. MCCE funded this initiative through a SEED grant.
Qualifying Michigan teachers can APPLY HERE: Cohort IV JMLP Application no later than June 11, 2018. More program information is available by opening or downloading our FAQ.
All accommodations and meals are provided, and travel is reimbursed. $100 deposit is required but returned on completion of participation.
Experience this national civics curriculum and learn how to effectively implement it in your own classroom. Transform your classroom through student simulated Congressional hearings focusing on challenges to American Constitutional Democracy in the twenty-first century.
Professional Learning and Community

Participant Testimonies and Data