MGTV Michigan Mock Election Tradition continues…
Three Year Grant by the U.S Election Assistance Commission (EAC) helps underwrite student participation in the ‘2012 MGTV Michigan Mock Election’ across the state.
Michigan Government Television (MGTV) is coordinating the ‘MGTV Michigan Mock Election Project’ again this year, which culminates in online voting by K-12 students in a statewide mock election at the end of October. There is no cost to schools to vote in the mock election and teachers are encouraged to use MGTV’s online curriculum and archived videos, along with election-related programming airing on the MGTV cable network. Students will be casting their votes for President, U.S. Senate and Congress; Michigan House of Representatives and Supreme Court; and six statewide ballot proposals. Michigan results for the national races will be compiled with all 50 states, through a partnership with My Voice National Student Mock Election, the largest mock election in the country. Voting begins online on October 22nd and ends on November 1st.
On November 2nd, national results will be available on their website
and Michigan results on MGTV’s website.
MGTV’s Acting Executive Director, Michelle Webb said, “We’re gratified that the U.S. Election Assistance Commission continues to support the mock election concept in Michigan. What a great way for students to come together and learn about the importance of voting.”
A regional student election rally will be hosted by Leland Public School on October 30th for schools in Northwestern Michigan in conjunction with the Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District (TBAISD). There is expected to be approximately 1,000 area students attending the rally to meet candidates and hear them speak. The rally is organized by students and staff at Leland Public School and has taken place every election year since 1988. MGTV carries the rally on the MGTV cable network. The community is also invited to attend. High school students can further participate by calling in questions on MGTV live programs on October 22nd and 23rd at 1:00p.m. EST, with Michigan Supreme Court candidates.
“Any time we can cooperatively work with the ISD and area schools, it is a win for everyone. MGTV’s role in covering this event is crucial as it provides the opportunity for students from around the state to experience the democratic process in action,” said Jason Stowe, Superintendent, Leland Public School.
TBAISD Superintendent Mike Hill stated, “TBAISD is proud to partner with Leland Public School and MGTV on this project not only because its relevance is consistent with the educational research on best practice, but because participation in the electoral process fits with our regional project Grand ReImagine goal of preparing all students for college, careers and citizenship.”
Partners in the Michigan Mock Election Project are Leland Public Schools, The Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District, My Voice National Student Mock Election and The Michigan Center for Civic Education. Schools should contact MGTV if they want to participate by calling 517-373-4250 or
For the most recent MGTV Mock Election Newsletter, click here.
MGTV, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 corporation is financially supported by Comcast, Charter Communications, Bright House Networks, WOW and Time Warner Cable, reaching more than 1.5 million homes, schools, and businesses served by cable television in Michigan.
The EAC is an independent commission created to serve as a national clearinghouse of information regarding election administration. Their Mock Election Program grants are authorized under Section 295 of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA).
Partial funding of the Leland Election Rally is provided through a grant by the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation Youth Endowment Fund. High speed internet service and cable modem will be provided by Charter Communications.