Welcome to Mock Trial
Welcome to Michigan Mock Trial
Welcome to Mock Trial!
This page will provide information about Michigan’s Mock Trial Program as well as information on the upcoming season.
Are you interested in starting a Mock Trial Program? MCCE welcomes you to start a team. From coaches roundtables, clinics, and coaches retreats, we hope you will find the program rewarding.
New schools and new hosts are welcome!
egal professionals including judges, clerks, sections, courts, and affinity groups, please click to the left to learn what is needed to host this important event in our “Mock Trial in a Box” resource.
Schools, teachers, students, and community members, please click to the right to learn more about the program. We are here to help. Please start with this helpful FAQ about getting started in Michigan.
What is Mock Trial?
Mock Trial is an amazing extra-curricular, co-curricular, and curricular program. Mock Trial advances knowledge and skills incorporating trial procedure, justice, rule of law, and more while encouraging teamwork, collaboration, and public speaking skills.
Watch students transform themselves into witnesses and attorneys and enact case facts in front of attorneys and judges in real life (or virtually real life) courtrooms.
MCCE is also committed to expanding access to the law and justice. Our new companion programs encourage the storytelling necessary to tell the human experience inside the courtroom. Courtroom Artists illustrate the stories and Courtroom Journalists report on the information for the whole world to see, understand, and appreciate. Moreover, MCCE is dedicated to providing accessibility to current and future members of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities and their interpreters. ASL interpreters who are seeking ‘hands up’ time in courtrooms may use the high school mock trial series to approximate the real life of the courtroom while earning additional training hours for their certificate credentials.
Middle school and elementary programs coming soon! MCCE is seeking sponsors who share this commitment to help expand to reach each and every school in Michigan. Message us if you want to help amplify the benefits of this program.
To learn more about the benefits of Mock Trial – please click here.
2024-2025 Mock Trial Quick Links
Step-by-Step Guide for School Registration
Please reach out if we can assist with the Tabroom Registration at mocktrial@miciviced.org
2024-2025 Mock Trial Season
The 2024-2025 Mock Trial season is here!
All alumni, coaches, sponsors, educators, volunteers and other stakeholders are encouraged to attend the 2025 Celebration of Civic Joy Reception, Friday, March 21, 2025 in Lansing! See the Event Flyer Here!
MCCE extends its deep appreciation to the Oakland County Bar Foundation and the Macomb County Bar Foundation for their enduring support! They make the events possible.
What to Expect for 2024-2025
- August Coaches and Teacher Retreat – Aug 7-9, 2024
- Thank you for joining us for the October 15, 2024 case reveal – you can see the release here on the MCCE Youtube page
- School registration opened November 1, 2024
- Volunteer sign-ups opened November 10, 2024
- Case Q&A. Please submit all questions through this form and MCCE will release answers to online for all to have access.
- Case Q&A Answer Form. Please check here for the answers to all submitted questions for the Case Q&A form.
- Monday Coaches Roundtables to Begin October 14 at 5:30 pm (see dates and Zoom links below)
- See dates for clinics, regionals, and states below
- School team registration due no later than January, 24, 2025
- Courtroom Journalist and Courtroom Artist due no later than January 31, 2025
- Team membership due no later than January 31, 2025 (for program inclusion)
Mock Trial Clinics – Thank you for joining us for the clinics this fall. We are excited to see you in action this spring. MCCE extends a special thank you to the Marquette County Courthouse, The Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center at the Hall of Justice, Wayne State Law School, and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids for hosting these events.
Regional Events
Please see the draft copy of the regional program and join us in celebrating the work of our students, educators, and legal communities.
Regional Events. Please see draft program for all the regional events here. Updates to this program will be made periodically as more information is received. The links below will take you to the specific regional agenda as they are available. Please use those schedules for specific times and locations.
- Fri. February 7 – Northern Michigan at Leelanau
- Sat., February 8 – Wayne County (part 1)
- Sat., February 22 – Oakland County
- Sat,. March 1 – Macomb County (Macomb Regional is Full as of 1/6/25).
- Sat., March 1 – Monroe County
- Sat., March 1 – Wayne County (part 2)
- Sat., March 8 – Kent County
- Sat., March 8 – Northern Michigan at Marquette
State and National Finals
Civic Education Reception – Friday, March 21 – AC Hotel, Lansing
- March 21-22 – State Finals – Veteran’s Memorial Courthouse and Cooley Law School, Lansing
- May 8-10, 2025 – Phoenix, AZ
- Legal Team,
- Courtroom Artist, and
- Courtroom Journalist
Observers and Supports
- Please sign up in advance to help streamling observer check in for Courthouse credentials.
- Here is the 2025 observer form
Volunteers Needed:
- Volunteers need to mentor and coach schools
- Clinic and tutorial educators
- Scoring Judges
- Presiding Judges
- Courtroom Officers
- Courtroom Artist Judges and Educators
- Courtroom Journalist Judges and Educators
- Hospitality – Hosts and Hall Supervisors
- Logistics
Sponsors! Show your support for the current and future legal community by sponsoring Mock Trial events.
Welcome! School Information
Welcome schools!
The Basics. In every Michigan Mock Trial event, there are three witnesses and three attorneys. Teams may consist of 6-12 students. Schools are permitted up to three (3) teams per regional. MCCE tries to alternate between civil and criminal cases each year, choosing topics of contemporary interest.
Regional Information.MCCE currently hosts 6 regional events. All schools across the entire state are encouraged to participate. MCCE is actively seeking Courthouses to house additional regional events throughout Michigan including Northern Michigan.
Registration runs from 7:35-8:00 am each morning with an awards ceremony approximately from 4:30-5:00p.m. In the school orientation materials below, you will find a more detailed schedule.
State Finals Information. Depending on courtroom facilities, 10 – 12 teams will advance to state finals. All qualifying schools will compete in two preliminary trials. The top four teams advance to semi-finals. Two teams advance to the championship round. The school that wins that trial, has the opportunity to represent #TeamMichigan at the National High School Mock Trial Championship. The host site does change each year. #TeamMichigan will have the opportunity to compete in Wilmington, Delaware, May 2-5, 2024.
At every regional and state event, Courtroom Artists and Courtroom Journalists also have the opportunity to showcase their talents. These state champions will also have the opportunity to represent #TeamMichigan at the National Championship.
MCCE delights in being able to improve access to justice for the greater legal community. ASL Interpreters needing additional training or hands up time may also coordinate with their agencies to use the Michigan Mock Trial Courtrooms to increase their training.
Volunteer Information!
Thank you in advance for contributing to the development of young legal minds!
The new volunteer and school registration system can be found here (http://mimocktrial.tabroom.com).
Materials to walk through your account set up may be found here.
Please see these two documents for volunteer information. Those volunteering to assist with hospitality or logistics will receive separate, on-site communications. Notes: These are Google Docs so that we may update information as needed and all volunteers will receive a folder with all the materials printed. Judges, please bring an electronic device if possible for ballot entry. We will have volunteers and extra devices available on site! Thank you so much!
Mock Trial Event Dates
Observer Information
Here is the 2025 observer form
Thank you for supporting Mock Trial participants. Your role as a supporter means so much to the students. To ensure all observers know and adhere to the professionalism standards of the activity, all observers much wear a nametag and sign the code of conduct.
This new process will help facilitate and streamline the observer check in process the day of the mock trial event. all observers the morning of the event. We are excited to have your involvement.
The school and observer code of conduct is linked here. Observers, please pay careful attention to page three. That is the observer code of conduct.
Who should fill out this form? Anyone who is not a team participant, official teacher of record, or listed as a community coach should complete this form. Any observers from parents/guardians, community leaders, friends, or other interested persons who wish to observe a trial should complete the form.
Who does not need to complete the form? If you are officially listed as a community coach at registration, you do note need to complete the form. Your name tags will be available with your school check in materials.
What do I do the morning of the event? Simply check in at the registered observer location to receive your name tag. Schools will draw their codes at registration and simply add the code to your name tag.
What if I don’t register? There will be an observer registration table at registration. Please know this time of the morning is very busy so you may need to wait to register. We encourage preregistration to help streamline the process.
When do I need to complete the form? Please complete the registration form no later than 48 hours prior to the event date. For example, if your event is on a Saturday, please complete no later than the Wednesday before the event.
Thank you for supporting your Mock Trial students!
You may review the code of conduct again here. Please click the button below to indicate your agreement.
Resources for Schools
Thank you for joining in on the school orientations. If you missed an orientation, reach out to MCCE directly! A link to the materials we reviewed can be found here. Please pay special attention to the highlighted NEW information including rules changes and the Star Witness and Attorney Awards!
MCCE continued a series of virtual school orientations this year. Our goal continues to be to welcome students into MCCE as well as address questions and processes for everyone. Coach and/or students can attend. We will review the likely schematics, go over how to read the program, Zoom naming conventions (if online), and address any and all questions you may have. This was deemed helpful by those who attended and helped ease some of the technology concerns and process questions for the day. All orientations must occur prior to the start of the first regional.
Monthly Teacher & Coach Roundtable Conversations!
Please join in the monthly teacher and coaches roundtables. These will be structured to include three components to help mobilize the law related education communities through mock trial. At each session expect:
a) Updates on the Mock Trial season from MCCE
b) A mini professional learning session on an issue of import to the community and mock trial practice and
c) Time for you to ask questions of each other to advance mock trial in your schools.
Right now these are scheduled for 5:30-6:30 on Mondays once a month beginning October of 2024.
The Zoom link is here (full url: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82408108490?pwd=me78OauVRlJLoKIB4ALq6GQTbXQ3Iq.1)
Please reserve:
- Monday, October 14
- Monday, November 11
- Monday, December 16
- Monday, January 20
- Monday, February 3
Virtual Mock Trial Tips with the Honorable Kameshia Gant
Previous Season Materials
Curious about last year’s case? Please see the information below to review 2023-2024’s civil case here.
- Judge Resource Packet and Court Officer Resource Packet.
- 2023-2024 Mock Trial Case – MCCE Mock Trial Case 2023-2024 Tomte v Earhart Case File Jan 17, 2024
- Case Q&A: Case Q&A is closed. All questions have been recorded and answers are here 2023-24 Case Questions Responses.
- 2024-2024 Mock Trial Rules & Procedures – Michigan Mock Trial Rules and Procedures 2023-2024
- Stay tuned for the revised Trial Tips and Tutorials on MCCE’s Youtube Page
If you are interested in practicing with previous cases, you can see them here:
2021-2022 Case Materials – Hamlin v Orange (Civil) and 2022-2023 Case Materials – People of the State of Michigan v. Lane Hill(Criminal)
Journalist Rules and Guidelines
Questions, Clarifications, and Inquiries about the Case? (Link Pending upon release of case)
Thank You!